Friday, June 6, 2014

repeat endless ongoing persecution chico and oroville

female seated against back of bus 20 headed into Oroville sprayed the air to instigate problem making deadly day further deadly and when I complained announced her spray "smelled" better than I did and insinuated that allegedly I did not take "a shower." this yet another terrorist aboard the bus proceeded with further terrorist activity insinuating that absolutely everything including unrelated is my fault and that I should shut up implicating that American terrorists should terrorize  as they please. upon arrival there was another part of terrorist team waiting with free ego boosting if you hating ongoing harassment. young Mexican man exited a car and declared he was forever amazed at me carrying bags as he has been homeless since age 14 because he had no parents. i told him my opinion is I should not carry anything at all but rather should be collecting major punitive damages.